Impulse Purchase of the Week – 8/20

Let’s go Royals! (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap!)

Looking to add a little sports art to your home? We fell in love with Carlos Benson’s unique and color-filled marker drawings of two Royals players. (Yes, markers—as in the old-school kind.) Originals $75/prints $12


This self-taught local artist honed his drawing skills on the pages of his schoolbooks. A former comic strip artist and Desert Storm veteran, this artist-by-night, mailman-by-day specializes in pencil, cartoons, photography, sketches, and of course, markers.

Originals of Benson’s work can be found online at or at Art Squared on the Independence Square. “I’ve been doodling ever since I can remember,” says Benson. “I love to draw and experiment.”

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