This Weekend IN Kansas City: October 13-15

Gathering for the Greener Good October 13
A debut fundraising event supports the innovative work of KC Can Compost. Enjoy an evening of live music, cocktails, treats, and raffle items guilt-free, because this gala is for the greener good.

KCRep Ghost Light October 13-14
Break out those costumes early and get the spooky season started at KCRep’s free event. Local writers, musicians, and storytellers highlight KC’s rich culture, and a haunted parade gives everyone their chance to shine.

KCPL Cornucopia October 13-15
KC’s Cornucopia is back with everything you need to get a fall festival fix. Carnival rides? Check. Pumpkin carving? Check. Funnel cakes, spiked cider, and pony rides? Check—just not all at once! 

PorchFest October 14
PorchFest is a full-day live music event featuring over 100 musicians from every genre. The twist? You can catch them on the front porches of various homes across walkable Midtown neighborhoods!

Courtesy of the KC Zoo and Aquarium

Brew at the Zoo October 14

A classic KC event now includes access to GloWild—Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium’s immersive lantern festival. Enjoy sampling more than 38 local breweries, wineries, and food trucks at this year’s event, which benefits the Bornean orangutan.