A native of KCK, Jeremy Bennett has led a charmed life since he graduated from KU—ping-ponging from coast to coast developing products for well-known fashion retailers, such as Old Navy. He even had the opportunity to take his act on the road to Tokyo where he ran the Mens/Boys division for Gap Japan. The self-proclaimed foodie is obsessed with trying new eateries and claims to have “torn the NYC food scene to pieces. They’re still talking about us. I know they are.” Now, the fun-loving Bennett is back home living in a West Bottoms warehouse he and his wife renovated. You’ll also find him holding court as the director of lifestyle at the uber-trendy Crossroads Hotel—where he gets paid to hobnob with guests. Color us jealous. “Producing events here is probably the most fun I’ll ever have in a ‘real job,’” he says.
Jeremy’s essentials…
Dining Out: I’m definitely having dinner at Antler Room. No question. I love getting to sit at the bar and peep the kitchen work their magic. It’s the most dynamic menu in Kansas City in my opinion and I’ve never had a bad bite here.
Guilty Pleasure: I am a big afternoon moviegoer. It really helps me recharge the creative batteries and turn off all those blinking/buzzing/needy devices. (PS. Is there a way that you can block this from my boss’ browser???)
Favorite Local Appetizer: I actually dream about the Steak Tartare (with an egg) at Westport Café and Bar. I’ve had this as my dinner more times than not.
Cocktails, Anyone: The Campground. I have a wild appreciation for the amount of creativity that goes into each of the drinks they make. I don’t even look at the menu. I was just there this week and loved the Staghorn—a very boozy cognac/rum/six-other-ingredient concoction.
Favorite Holiday Accessory: The only thing that saves me each winter? Really, really warm outerwear. I probably have ten coats in rotation at the moment but absolutely love this massive army green parka I picked up at Mickey’s Surplus a hundred years ago. I firmly believe it would keep me alive if I got caught in an avalanche or something.
Place To Shop: I spent 15 years working in fashion and it turned me into a finicky bitch with a pretty high bar when it comes to apparel. I have always tried to treat each piece I purchase as somewhat of a long-term investment. East & West carries a lot of those product lines that are made in places and made of a quality that I appreciate. You can check my bank account—they get a lot of my money.
Favorite Date Night: I love dipping into Ça Va early for a quick glass of bubbles to start off a night.